lundi 15 avril 2013


This blog has been somewhat transformed into my notebook for the four languages, which I find in the end was not really a good idea. Maybe it'll have to take a rest here. Kind of need to put things in the right place. I don't know maybe a mathematics student just doesn't have that much time for a blog, besides a blog needs its fuel of motivation maybe. Nowadays, facebook replaces almost everything. Maintaining a blog wasn't that easy, especially an interesting one, mine is rather "minable", pathetic. But it's a funny thing to be able to observe how people in different countries have visited it. My boring blog, has collected one of the most boring peoples on earth maybe. Actually, I don't know how it works for you to find it here. But, anyhow, I was kind of grateful for the two anonyme who keep dropping visit on each one of the post, I guess one of you is German, another one maybe German too, or an American. Glad to have you reading my languages!

samedi 13 avril 2013

Deutsch 23h20 -

spannend  Adj.   <ein Film, ein Roman> so, dass sie einen neugierig machen, wie sich die Situation weiterentwickelt       令人好奇故事會怎麼發展下去

Eine Freundschaft oder eine Beziehung geht zu Ende.      好傷心的句字,或者其實說者無心,聽者多情。

faul   Adj.      lazy:   morgens zu faul zum Aufstehen sein.

Hey, was ist los mit dir?         嘿,你怎麼了/ 你怎麼搞的 ?

Vektorraum, Skalarprodukt

Việt 9h51 -

Cá đắt tiền hơn thịt.
Le poisson est plus cher que la viande.
đắt tiền

His car costs twice as much as mine; His car is twice as expensive as mine
Food here costs nearly double what it does in Saigon
He overcharged me by two dollars

gấp đôi 中的 đôi 跟 một công đôi viẹc 的 đôi 是同一個。

Ông Hai bị bệnh nặng.              Hai 先生病得很重。
thích ăn chuối        喜歡吃香蕉

jeudi 11 avril 2013

11/04 Việt

cho nên = do đó  = vì vậy
do đó, lý do

Tôi sẽ không bán cho một người lạ.  我不會賣給陌生人。
một người lạ

ồn    噪音
làm ồn

cửa sổ          window

đột ngột           突然

xét người    判斷一個人
Đừng xét người theo bề ngoài.      外表

kó sử, bối rối :  不知所措
xấu hổ, bối rối : embarrassed, shy

His question often beat me
To ask awkward questions
Đàn em    學弟,學妹
Đàn anh, đàn chị       學長,學姊

I'm a little afraid
The children are a bit rowdy
He looks a bit/a little like my teacher
I'm in a bit of a hurry. Another time maybe !
To be rather inclined to be lazy

nặng, nặng nề ( (nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
gánh nặng
công việc nặng nề
vết thương nặng
giấc ngủ nặng nề
người nghiện rượu nặng
thiệt hại nặng


không khí; bầu không khí; không gian, không trung
không khí trong sạch
không khí mát mẻ
ở ngoài trời


mercredi 10 avril 2013

Việt 23h00 -

Có chuyện gì?

to spend
I spent a whole day to paint your kitchen; It took me a whole day to paint your kitchen


Final exam; finals; comprehensives

(1) Báo cáo hằng ngày。
日常報告 (每天的報告。)
(2) Hằng năm, vào ngày này cô ấy đều về quê.

mardi 9 avril 2013

Deutsch 21h45 -

musizieren   Vi      auf einem Instrument Musik machen, spielen

vornehmlich      Adv    hauptsächlich, insbesondere

beschäftigt sein,  sehr viel Arbeit haben:
Er ist beruflich so b., dass er kaum noch Zeit für seine Familie hat.

lundi 8 avril 2013

En 22h10

He often drinks himself into oblivion.

The baby was banging the table with his spoon.